And we have another Ad campaign on the complete opposite end of the scale to #Sharetheorange as it goes straight to the emotional stuff.
“It gives us an opportunity to share a different side of the story with potentially a new audience.”
I am going to go ahead and link the article from US Ad week below, give the video a watch and then let’s talk about it.
BBDO’s New Alzheimer’s PSA Heartbreakingly Dramatizes the Impact on Caregivers
First thoughts – Oh she is young, but I can see it I guess (both the mum and daughter at this stage, as you can be as young as 20 and get dementia and young carers is sadly a thing.)
– side note I wish the camera was more steady, you with me on that one right?-
Then we go to keys in the fridge, classic. Lack of appetite, yep.
‘I know I love you’ … wooooow there, it’s going there, hm hmmm. And we are not even halfway guys.
Going out without a coat and the struggle. is. real.
It definitely makes me think what would you do in that situation, and when I was there I certainly didn’t handle it well, we are all human.
I guess what I want to say is hats off to them because you have to get peoples attention somehow. But the ultimate message of the video, yes it gets to the point but I am still a bit puzzled. Maybe not puzzled, I just wouldn’t have gone there.
You wouldn’t put your daughter through this when she’s young. Let’s make sure it doesn’t happen when she’s older
Yes cure Alzheimers, yes help caregivers, this stuff happens in real life. And I think we need both kinds of ad campaigns in order to give the fuller picture. I said #Sharetheorange didn’t go far enough, and this one went there, even if it did leave a weird taste in my mouth (as the turn of phrase goes.)
Let me know your thoughts, I obviously support both and they both have a role to play, but would you say its controversial or honest?