10 actions you can do inspired by Dementia Action Week

Here in the UK its Dementia Action Week and in the spirit of it, what can you actually do to help in some way?


I'm taking action - Dementia Action Week


  • Become a Dementia friend 

It’s such a great initiative that really engages people in an interactive way. Roughly an hour where you learn more about dementia and then pledge an action you can do after learning what you have learnt. It surprised me doing the course for myself how much I learnt, how I still refer back to that knowledge now and it’s powerful in an easily accessible way.

You can go online and check out available sessions in your area or do it online. Check out the link below to find out more about whats available to you, or if you want you can reach out to me, if you have a location for me, I may happy to run a session!

Click here to go straight to the Dementia Friends website. 


  • Volunteer 

Work in your local community if you are blessed with time. There are lots of smaller charities where you can help with everything from being a person on the ground at a Dementia cafe or running there social media/email lists. Volunteering in and of itself gives back to you with the amazing people you will meet and keep you busy doing something for others. Win win.

Check out more on Dementia cafes here.

See how else you can volunteer through Alzheimer’s society here.


  • Reach out to family and friends

Everyone knows someone that has been affected by Dementia. Reach out, especially to those who are caregivers. Maybe you could pop over and have a chat, spent time with who they care for, or just show you are there for them in whatever way you can. Even just checking in with them can make such a difference. If your friend has just got a family member who is diagnosed, let them know you are there for them, even just as someone to talk to about it.


  • Tell caregivers about the Herbert protocol. 

I have a blog post about this if you want to know more details here – Herbert Protocol, you need to know about this, but this is where if a person living with dementia goes missing, you have details ready to give to the police. With a picture explaining where they might go to, what they might be wearing, or more information to help find them. Let people know who might need this, it could help save someone’s life (dramatic but true).


  • Do a charity event 

Run, walk, swim or just volunteer to help make that event happen. If you don’t think running is your thing, help guide people when they go for the run, cheer them on and be part of the huge operations that help bring them vital money.

Check the links below to these charities for events you can do:
Dementia UK
Alzheimers Research UK 
Alzheimers Society 


  • Sign a petition /Campaign 

Alzheimer’s society is brilliant and putting in the research for where needs changed an how we can do that. Always check in and make sure to sign up, including the current one below.

Demand the government fix dementia care – Alzheimers Soc


  • Host your own event 

Cupcake sales, bring friends around for a quiz, raise money in some way or host your own Dementia Friends Session. These are things you can do with family and friends that are social but also bringing knowledge and makes a difference.

Alzheimer’s Soc have some great examples here 


  • Just talk about it

Seen something on the news about it? Stimulate conversation. Why not stick on Seth Rogan’s Hilarity for charity? Then talk about what he is raising money/awareness for. Chat with your work colleagues about Dame Barara Winsors, just talk about it and create less of a stigma. Share something on social media, your reach might be bigger than you think (those old nosey school friends, got to love them!)


  • Share the orange 

Alzheimers Research UK has a great campaign at the moment called Share The Orange that does a great job if describing the more physical attributes around this and bringing awareness to raise money for finding a cure. Watch the video and share that ornate people’s!

Check out that orange I am talking about here!


  • Make a donation 

There are more charities than just the big 2 ones for Dementia, including local groups that make grass root changes and where the smallest amount makes the biggest difference. You can even do that right now from the comfort of your own sofa. Check out the links below with some ideas of where your money would make a difference. Best thing I can recommend is to search for local dementia charities and give what you can to the one you vibe with the most.


Comment below which action you are going to do as I would love to know! Or if you have any other actions let me know.

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